This post needs a few notes but I’m too lazy so I’ll write them here. First of all, the “Kolkhoz no Tamanegi Hatake” which means “Kholhoz’s onion field”, is the name of the official fanclub of Sumipe and also the name of a song by the Japanese punk rock band The Stalin. Second, the bizarre title is spelt”Hakkou Hakkou Hakkou” in Japanese. It’s a pun. Ok, enjoy the translation now.
Here’s the original post, tovarisch: click here.
I’m working on the next issue of the Kolkhoz no Tamanegi Hatake bulletin!
The room of the interview kinda looks like an interrogation room, but I’m sure I told all my happy memories (`°ω°´)
Please wait until is shipped out!
The self-proclaimed voice actress Uesaka Sumire (24) during the interrogation.
Recently I’ve been to a shop specialised in melon pan! I want to taste its flavour on a river’s bank…( ˘ω˘ )
See you!