YuriYaku Wrapped

Hello everyone, how was your 2023? I hope it was a good year for you. I don’t want to bore you with my life, so I’ll just say it’s been… Okay. I finished my Master with a magna cum laude, made a bit of money with work, and I have another job lined up next year. I’m still far from achieving my dreams, but a man must aim high. Since you’re here for my scanlations, let’s talk about this a little bit.

The good

Whenever I scanlate something, I read appreciative comments from random people on MD, Dynasty, and so forth, which make me very happy. I know my English is far from perfect and too stiff for a professional work; that’s why I enjoy every feedback you give me because it’s a way to improve myself. Thank you for reading my releases, even if I’m not prolific like more famed scanlators. I enjoy scanlating manga with girls with glasses, delinquents, gyaru, but it’s not easy to find the right ones that make me say “I wanna translate this!”, which brings us to…

The bad

I haven’t done much work in scanlations this year. There are various reasons for that: first, Liberty’s hiatus. Yes, it’s on hiatus, and I have no idea when it’s coming back since Galette hasn’t told us anything AT ALL. I haven’t bought the latest issue, so I don’t know if it’ll come back next year. Let’s hope it does because we deserve to know how it ends, and since it’s also my first scanlation project, it’s only normal that I want to complete it.
Second reason, I was burned from translating the third part of the story of the teacher and the gyaru. After finishing it, I didn’t want to open photoshop anymore. Too much cleaning and too many SFX made me sick. I still consider it my best release so far!
Third reason, I didn’t have enough free time. Between exams and writing my dissertation, I couldn’t find enough time to search for manga to scanlate. And sometimes I just wanna play videogames instead of scanlating (lol).

The future

Whatever happens in 2024, I’ll continue with the project I’ve already started, so Liberty and Goodbye Daisy (this also depends on Momono Moto and Kitta Izumi…) Other than those, I’m planning on doing more Pandacorya and you can expect a new, small release in January. I hope I can continue doing scanlations for as long as possible and I wish you a 2024 full of happiness and yuri.

Happy new year!

4 thoughts on “YuriYaku Wrapped”

  1. Hey, hi. Came here because of “The Story of a Strict Teacher Who Got Fucked by Her Gyaru Bitch Student”, hoping to find more chapters. I’d never thought you were Italian, it’s not something outright unbelievable, but what are the chances that an upcoming Italian teacher in Japan is scanlating manga? I’m Italian too btw (typing in English so other users can understand and not just go full “Mama Mia Pizzeria”).
    Anyway thank you for your work, it’s very appreciated, especially for people like me that can’t enjoy 2D girls seggs without a nice narrative as background. I’m totally going to check out your other works, if they’re all yuri-related I’ll be staying on this site for a long time.

  2. i just find out about Liberty haitus. Also thank you for your translation service. since it’s been 2 years i dont think i can hope for it being continue again..i feel we were robbed from getting them back together again ;-;)

    1. Sorry for the late reply, the notification system doesn’t work. I haven’t made a post about it, but Momono Moto and Kitta Izumi have announced that Liberty will resume (and presumably end) later this year.

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