Here’s my newest project: Liberty, a new yuri manga serialized on Galette, drawn by Momono Moto and written by the famous seiyuu Kitta Izumi.
The main character is a lesbian OL who meets in an unexpected way, a mysterious and fascinating girl.
I want to thank the kind anons on /u/ who helped me with the script and @usodabada_ on Twitter for teaching me how to edit. I still suck at it so don’t expect a great work.
You can read it on Dynasty Reader [HERE]
Thank you for your efforts. I really enjoyed this release and look forward to more. The world is a better place for having another yuri scanlator in it. Best of luck in all your future endeavors.
Thank you for your words!
Hey there, thanks for the release! Will you translate more chapters of the magazine or do you plan to work your way through the whole thing?
Hi, I’d like to translate two certain one-shot from Galette, but I won’t pick up more serialization because it’s too much work for a newbie like me.
I’d LOVE to work on Takemiya Jin’s manga, but I’m gonna leave it in the hands of people who are more skilled than me. At least I hope.
Thanks for your work! We’ll take over the 9th and 11th story then 🙂
*welp, can’t edit my previous comment but yeah, we’d either love to work on the 9th or 11th story or both if it’s ok for you.
Are you going to work on セックスしないと出られない百合? Well, that’s fine by me. I’ll work on 冬馬くん then.
Alright, thanks!
Just wanted to thank you for this release. I really enjoyed it. Keep up with the work! 🙂
You are welcome!
What a find! I really enjoyed Liberty! Thank you so much for your hard work!