In case you are wonder, a jiangshi is a chinese hopping zombie/vampire. Sumipe cosplayed it a few times.
Original post: here
It’s been a while, but here’s the second chapter of the “No Future Vacances” music video journal.( ˘ω˘ )
Here are some offshots and views of Hong Kong!
Speaking of Hong Kong, here’s a night view!
I even got on a ferry ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ
Found Mr. Rabbit standing around in a street (He’s from King Records)
It’s a maid style costume that appears in the scenes in which I wander around the streets at night.
Sea grapes inspired my hairstyle ⌒°( ´∀`)°⌒
Speaking of Hong Kong, here’s a double-decker bus!!
A bright and shining beer-like thing
Word on the streets told me of photogenic manjuu, so after the shooting I ate some. ( ^ω^)So photogenic!
A mysterious dessert
Well then, the Hong Kong journal will continue next time!
And now, here’s the music video
See you!