Hello everyone, lots of very cute girls in this post but of course the cutest one is our Sumipe! Enough words, enjoy the translation. You can find the original post here.
Only 4 post to get on par…
Tag: Sumipe
[Sumipe’s Blog Translation] 346 Castle!
Here we are with the translation of the first post dedicated to the Idolm@ster 4th Live. Not my best job but I think it’s acceptable. Second part coming ASAP.
Sumipe is beautiful.
[Sumipe’s Blog Translation] Publication Radiation Fermentation
This post needs a few notes but I’m too lazy so I’ll write them here. First of all, the “Kolkhoz no Tamanegi Hatake” which means “Kholhoz’s onion field”, is the name of the official fanclub of Sumipe and also the name of a song by the Japanese punk rock band The Stalin. Second, the bizarre title is spelt”Hakkou Hakkou Hakkou” in Japanese. It’s a pun. Ok, enjoy the translation now.
Here’s the original post, tovarisch: click here.
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[Sumipe’s Blog Translation] Afterschool Assault X Girls
Slowly getting there…Wish I had the ability to translate the complete interview with Sumipe and the author of Afterschool Assault X Girls. Well, enjoy my translation anyway. You can find the original post here
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[Sumipe’s Blog Translation] Spacecraft Seiyuu Division Event
I’ve got a huge backlog of stuff to translate, I should have more free time from now on so I’ll try to get on par. In case you are wondering, this spacecraft thing is just the division of Spacecraft Entertainment that manages their voice actors, including Sumipe. Last time I called it “club”, but for now I’ll use the word “division”. You can find the original post here
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[Sumipe’s Blog Translation] Daily Bits and Pieces
Sorry for the delay, but I’m currently writing my thesis so I don’t have much time to translate lately. I’ll try to keep up so that I don’t fall too much behind.
Ah….I want to taste Sumipe’s nahamarumaki…I bet she’s a good cook…
Original post: here
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[Sumipe’s Blog Translation] Autumn’s Hard Work
Very short post about Sumipe’s roles this season. I don’t have much to say, except that she’s very very cute in this picture. I mean she’s always cute, but I like when she wears little to none make-up.
Original post: here.
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[Sumipe’s Blog Translation] Vinyl Records
Seems like vinyl records are back in fashion. Nowadays many artists release vinyl of their own albums to satisfy hipsters audiophiles and Sumipe’s one of them. She’s also on the cover of the latest “FOLLOW UP”a free magazine about rock music and more. Since it came out a few days ago, sooner or later the pdf of the issue will be uploaded on the official website, so let’s be patient.
Original post: here.
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[Sumipe’s Blog Translation] Union! Empty cans! LIVE PARK!
First of all, sorry for the delay. Real life got in the way and then it took me more time than usual to translate this piece and I’m not completely sure about the accuracy of a couple of phrases. Sorry about that.
Anyway, I hope you can enjoy this post in which Sumipe talks about Nana Mizuki and a dinosaur made of trash.
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[Sumipe’s Blog Translation] Pigeon, Downpour and Announcements
Another live just a few days before Christmas for Sumipe. If you have a chance to attend, then participate in the lottery!
Well, I don’t have much to say this time, so please enjoy my unworthy translation. Original post: here.
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